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Line Chart Showing Fossil Fuel Materials - FFL - Ktonnes. In Japan From 2001-2020

Line + Bar Chart Showing Fossil Fuel Consumption In Japan From 1960-2015

Line Chart Showing Greenhouse Gas Emissions By Sector, In Japan From 1990-2020, Measured In Tonnes

Chart 1 Analysis
This chart represents fossil fuel data in Japan over the years specifically fossil fuel materials, this data has been taken from the official government website of the United Kingdom. The line chart makes it easy to show the fluctuations over time with the overall trend diminishing as new clean trends have been implemented.

Chart 2 Analysis
This chart serves as an instrumental tool for juxtaposing Japan's fossil fuel consumption patterns against those delineated for the United Kingdom. Such a comparative approach offers invaluable insights into divergent trajectories, policy interventions, and socio-economic dynamics shaping fossil fuel consumption in both nations.

Chart 3 Analysis
This chart shows greenhouse gas emissions in Japan by the specific sectors, this makes it easier for people to compare as all the data is in one place rather than in nine different graphs.

Graph 1: Data From Gov.uk

Graph 2: Data From Macrotrends.net

Graph 3: Data From OurWorldinData

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